Funnel Audits
Landing Page Optimization
A short video on things that can improve on this page. Some of the messaging is a bit confusing.
Other changes can be made to increase conversions for this home schooling business.
Length: 5 minutes
Long Form Sales Page Feedback
This is a landing page created for a launch. The format is long form sales letter, which comes with its own challenges.
We give feedback and compare this page to some of the industry leaders. Some very valuable information for you here.
Length: 19 minutes
What does it take to build a Million $ Funnel
As part of competition research to build a funnel for a new client, we go over 2 Comma Club funnels (funnels that made over 1 million USD in sales) and break down what it takes
Length: 8 minutes
Landing Page Flow Optimization
Problem: Poor lead quality
This audit covers the funnel, content, copy and Facebook ads for an online fitness coach. Watch & Find out what applies to your business!
Length: 11 minutes
Improve Conversions on Blog Post
Problem: Enough visitors, but very few sign-ups
Solution: A few simple tricks to get more conversions out of the page.
Length: 7 minutes
Fastest Way to Understand Your Visitors
Map your funnel and track your visitors!
Are they converting? If not, discover the bottlenecks and fix them. Make forecasts based on real numbers and take away the guess work!
Open your FREE account HERE and start mapping!
Strategy Calls
Charity Landing Page
Problem: no clear call out to the target and overall messy page. Very good intent but not well organized.
Solution: Tweak copy on the page, rearrange sections and improve CTA's.
Length: 37 minutes
Home Page Optimization
Problem: Sharon Cully is a renowned Business Systems Coach and wanted to have a professional look at her new site for improvements.
Solution: You'll find plenty of tips you can implement on your own sites!
Length: 52 minutes
Home Page Optimization
Problem: Robert hired an other agency to redevelop his site and as they aren't as marketing driven as he hoped for, he asked us to have a look and give him some optimization tips.
Solution: Tweak certain sections, change video and increase load speed.
Length: 55 minutes